This week we had a guest speaker on the Creative Process from Marvel/Disney. I got to make it last minute because our calendar system wasn't working so there wasn't actually anything I could do. The presentation was really neat, if a little weird. For some reason all the event halls were booked that day so the speaker, the Lead Creator/Imagineer for the Marvel aspect of Disney shows and parks (who is also Mormon), had to give his presentation in the chapel of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building with its gold and white crown molding and organ. It was a really neat presentation though. I learned a lot that will help with my teaching, I think. After all, if you want kids to really learn and invest in something, you have to sell it, just like Disney sells a story through a ride.
It was a really popular presentation, as you can imagine. I had to sit on a stair at the very back of the room, but at least I had a good view.
Also, fun fact, they don't care much for Star Wars in China, but they love the superheroes. Apparently our speaker had thought it was going to be really hard to sell the idea of a Marvel ride in Hong Kong, so he worked really hard to set the scene. He presents the action as if the Chinese government officials are really there, "and then as the clouds gather and thunder and lightning crack..." and the head of the Chinese officials rumbles"THOORRRRR" as if in awe. They were approved. The Chinese even said that they could destroy all the buildings they wanted in the simulation--nobody was going to be offended. Apparently they even suggested taking out a few homes of people they didn't like. =) Of course, over the process, this became the Iron Man Experience and Marvel cut Thor out of it. I don't envy the person who had to reveal that bit of information...
Imagine having your Marvel presentation, jam packed with people in business suits, here:

Comic Con was also this weekend, which I forgot until I got stuck in traffic. I didn't attend, but I saw plenty of interesting 'things' crossing the street and took pictures while I was at stop lights: Are you up for a game of I spy?

Can you find: A bounty hunter, a Captain America Ballgown, a warrior elf, Superman, Catwoman, a female Deadpool, Batgirl, Pikachu, a Jedi family, the Tardis, an orc, two trolls, Boromir, a hobbit, Spiderman pulling a rickshaw, a Stormtrooper, a medieval guy, a Jedi practicing with his lightsaber, 2 Jaynes, Princess Leia, and 2 unidentifiable warriors?
The best part of this week was that two of my most favorite people in the world came to visit! Mandy and Derek now live in Chicago where he has an internship, but they flew back for Derek's little brother's wedding. I was so excited to find out the wedding would be on Temple Square. I don't know what I would do without these two, especially my beautiful Mandy. It meant so much to me to be able to see her. They left the wedding luncheon early just so they could meet me in the Church Office building. It was so good to talk to them. We also crashed the wedding clean up and got to eat left over Lion House rolls and cake. I think the Montgomerys have just accepted me as one of their own at this point. I've stayed at their house, spent Christmas Eve with their extended family, they're updated on all of my mission adventures, and then I come crash the wedding clean up. Mandy and I are sisters in all but name at this point anyway. I can't wait to see her again.
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