Sunday, September 16, 2012


I was really worried earlier this year when I chose my housing. I got it all done, then sat there staring at the computer, and realized that I was going to be living with complete strangers. It was kind of scary, but the Lord must have been guiding me because I really love these 'strangers'. Nobody is the same, but nobody is so different that we don't get along. 

 This is Erica while cooking and talking to someone. She's a real sweetheart. She's also from Utah and she is here on a track scholarship. 

 This is Kimberly, my Room- roommate. She is lots of fun. She came here from Wisconsin, where evidently, they don't have sprinklers. She loves the Green Bay Packers. We can always tell when they are winning because we hear whooping from our room. She wants to major in Actuarial Science. Feel free to look that up. I did.

This is Chelsea, from Washington. She is really nice. She loves to dance and she's very smart. 

This is Erika, from California. She's a lot of fun to be around. She is also here on a track scholarship. She rooms with Erica, so it's kind of confusing sometimes. She's very nice and friendly. She also makes the most heavenly banana muffins you will ever taste.

This is Kendall, also from Washington. She and Chelsea have been best friends since just about forever. She's super nice and funny. She also loves to make cupcakes. Snickerdoodle, chocolate chip pancake, chocolate peanut butter oreo.... you name it she'll make it. And she always shares. She also likes Roman Holiday.

When you live with 5 other cooks, you end up with a lot of food...we have to be pretty creative to fit stuff in here. I am pretty proud of myself for cooking here. I've made Fried Rice, Mexican Casserole, and Cauliflower Curry and they all turned out great. My mom must have taught me pretty well. She was also a very good sport about my calling her about the recipes.


  1. You dig. We have a sharpie on top of the fridge so we label our stuff. =)

  2. What gorgeous girls all in one apartment. This apartment will get noticed.......
    I'm glad you lucked out that they are all so good to live with.
    I miss you.
